The address of the SUCEAVA Court of Appeal is:
Suceava, Str. Ştefan cel Mare nr. 62 , cod 720062
0230216321 – phone center
0230215383 – secretariat cabinet president and vice presidents
0230524022 – for administrative correspondence
Instructions for using the e-mail address of the Suceava Court of Appeal for the transmission of procedural documents
– So that the attached documents sent by email can be presented to the court panel in a timely manner, we recommend that you send the electronic message at least 24 hours before the court session because there may be delays for technical reasons in the electronic processing of emails and in urgent cases the documents should be sent by fax or submitted directly to the court registry.
– The attached files cannot have a cumulative size greater than 10Mb
Management of the Suceava Court of Appeal
Fax Criminal Section and for cases involving minors: 0230253912
Fax First Civil Section: 0230253912
Contact person:
Neagu Dumitrescu Rodica
0230214948 – int 200
Working rooms with the public
Registry and general archive
room 112, ground floor – access through the entrance from Ștefan cel Mare street
sala 105, parter – access through the entrance from Ștefan cel Mare street
sala 207, etaj I – access through the entrance from Ștefan cel Mare street
sala 353, etaj II – access through the entrance from Ștefan cel Mare street
Operating program
The institution’s working hours: Monday – Friday – between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Working schedule with the public of the archive: Monday – Friday – between the hours of 09:00 – 13:00
Audience schedule
According to art. 7 of Decision no. 3243 of 22.12.2022 of the Superior Council of the Magistracy:
The powers of the president of the court of appeal do not provide for the granting of hearings and according to art. 79, the court’s relations with the public are ensured by the Office of Information and Public Relations.
Email address for submitting petitions in electronic format:
E-mail address for the electronic transmission of documents intended for files:
The relationship with the press
According to art. 79 of Decision no. 3243 of 22.12.2022 of the Superior Council of the Magistracy, the court’s links with the public are ensured by the Information and Public Relations Office.
Contact person:
Neagu Dumitrescu Rodica
Phone: 0230214948 – int 200